goodness, life, school


I got into grad school 🙂

I had a day off yesterday, and I did nothing.  It was a gift.  To me.  For getting into grad school.

And I bought a laptop!  So exciting!  I’ve never had one before.  It’s a Lenovo, which is apparently a really good brand, though I’ve never heard of it before.

My folks and I made a deal back in the day stating that, if I went to a school where they wouldn’t have to pay tuition, they would pay for my grad school.  If that’s the case, I’ll probably quit Karate Job to make time for school so I’m not working my fingers to the bone for the next couple of years with two jobs, plus school.  The folks will help me out a lot less than they do for Sister (she’s more of a spender, I’m a saver), which will reinforce that sense of smugness I associate with our respective financial tendencies.  I realize this is childish and… bad.  I’m too excited about getting into grad school to care.

Now everybody dance!


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